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Friday, July 18, 2008

Change owner and organization in System Properties

If you want to change the owner and organization in System Properties, just do the following:

Open the registry and go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion

Now just change the value for RegisteredOwner and RegisteredOrganization.

Change Log On Screen Colors

Microsoft includes three default "shell styles" with the Windows XP Luna theme: Homestead, Metallic, and NormalColor.

You can see these three styles in the "Welcome to Windows" and "Log On to Windows" screens during logon.

To change the style, open regedit and go to: HKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\ThemeManager
Change the "ColorName" key value to either "Homestead" or "Metallic". "Homestead" will show the title bars in an olive color. "Metallic" will show them in a silver color.

Log off or reboot to see the change.

Note: this will only work on the original Ctrl+Alt+Del log on screen, not the new Welcome screen.

Change Start Button Text

The start button is the most clicked on button in all of Windows. If you are going to customize windows, why not customize the start button. It is possible to change the text of the start button through the use of a hex editor which is a special program that allows you to edit files that were already compiled.

To get started, all you need is a hex editor which you can dowload for free on the web. If you do not have a hex editor, visit download.com and preform a search for hex editor and you will find several.

Once you have the hex editor downloaded and installed, just open up explorer.exe which is found in the windows directory in the program. Then go to the following offsets and you will see the text S T A R T. Just modify the letters to what ever you wish and save the file and you are set to go. Make sure that you leave the spaces between the letters and you only overwrite the five letters.

The file offsets for XP are: 000412b6 - 000412bf and 0004158a - 00041593

This method has a few limitations though, you can only use exactly 5 letters. If you want to us somthing with more than five letters, below is another guide that will also change the start menu text. It is from tweakersguide.com but it was in German so here's my rough translation.

First of all you will need to download a exe editor - Resource Hacker and Hacker 2.0 are avaliable from www.downloads.com and are adequate for the task in hand.

The first 3 steps stop the file we are going to tamper with from being restored automatically when windows restarts

1) with notepad or a text editor open the file c:\windows\system32\restore\filelist.xml (you might need to change it's properites from read only first by right clicking on the file and selecting properties, then remove the tich from the read only checkbox)

2) add the following line to the first section to exclude explorer.exe from the protected file list
- %windir%explorer.exe

3) save the file (and apply the read only properties back if you wish)

The next 2 steps actually modify the explorer.exe file that is the windows shell so back it up first if you are uncertain what you are doing (to back up the file, open a cmd window and type -
copy c:\windows\explorer.exe c:\windows\explorer.bak)

4) Open the file c:\windows\explorer.exe with your exe editor and edit the text in following lines

String Table > 37 > 1033
String Table > 38 > 1033

You just edit the text inside the "Start" to what ever you want and compile if necessary (depends on your exe editor - you will if you use ResHack)

5) save the file as (file > save as) explorer.xp (back up this file to another disk if you want to save a bit of hassle after you recover the machine next time)

Now you need to copy the file you've modified best way I've found to do this is to boot to safe mode command prompt although it's been suggested that you can stop the explorer.exe process with Task Manager, copy the fie in a cmd prompt then restart the process again - that worked for me but the origional returned after a restart. The next 3 steps describe how you copy the file

6) restart the machine and start tapping F8 to get the start menu - choose safe mode with command prompt

7) log on as Administrator and you'll be presented with a cmd prompt

8) To copy the modified file just type
copy c:\windows\explorer.xp c:\windows\explorer.exe
assuming that's where you saved it to with your exe editor)

9) Restart Machine

Change Internet Explorer Logo

This Tweak Changes the Small logo at the top right corner of your browser.

1. Click Start > Run > Type gpedit.msc
2. Click User Configuration > Windows Setting > Internet Explorer Maintenance > Browser User erface
3. Double click on Custom Logo
4. Click on Customize The Static Logo Bitmaps
5. Click on Browse...
6. Browser for your new Logo
7. click Ok
8. An error will popup ``You have selected to customize a setting but provided no
value. The behavior of this will be to delete the setting. Are you sure you want
too continue?``
9. Click yes

Note: The Logo have to be (22X22) Small and (38X38) Large and have to be bitmap.
When you save your Logo, you have to save in 256 or 16bit color.This Tweak Changes the Small logo at the top right corner of your browser.

1. Click Start > Run > Type gpedit.msc
2. Click User Configuration > Windows Setting > Internet Explorer Maintenance > Browser User Interface
3. Double click on Custom Logo
4. Click on Customize The Static Logo Bitmaps
5. Click on Browse...
6. Browser for your new Logo
7. click Ok
8. An error will popup ``You have selected to customize a setting but provided no
value. The behavior of this will be to delete the setting. Are you sure you want
too continue?``
9. Click yes

Note: The Logo have to be (22X22) Small and (38X38) Large and have to be bitmap.
When you save your Logo, you have to save in 256 or 16bit color.

Change IE Windows Title

In regedit navigate to this key:

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main

Change (or create) the value of the string "Window Title" to whatever you want on the titlebar of Internet Explorer.

To have no title except the title of the web pages you are browsing do not enter anything for a value.

Change Browser Toolbar Background

This tweak customizes the appearance of the Internet Explorer Toolbar

XP Professional

1. Click Start > Run > Type gpedit.msc
2. Click User Configuration > Windows Setting > Internet Explorer Maintenance > Browser User Interface
3. Double click on Browser Toolbar Customization
4. Click on Customize Toolbar Background Bitmap
5. Browse for the new Background

XP Home Edition

1. Click Start > Run, type: regedit
2. Navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Toolbar
3. Right click on an empty spot and create a new string value
4. Name it BackBitmapIE5
5. Doubleclick on BackBitmapIE5 and type in the path of your toolbar bitmap
6. Click OK and close regedit
(always backup before making any changes in the registry)

Note: Because you can customize your browser toolbar there isn't a specific size which
you need to make this tweak work. Play around with the size until you get it right.
The Width of your toolbar with be the width of your resolution. 1024 will be your width
if your resolution is 1024x768.

Bypass the Recycle Bin when deleting files

Right-click on the Recycle Bin and choose "Properties".

On the "Global" tab, check the box that says, "Do not move files to the Recycle Bin...."

Now, you will never have to empty the recycle bin again

Best way to Hide the Recycle Bin from the Desktop

Open Regedit & explore:

if you are using the XP style start menu

if working with the classic menu:

Inside, Make new DWORD-Value with the name "{645FF040-5081-101B-9F08-00AA002F954E}" & 'Modify' Value "1"

That will just hide the Recycle bin icon,
If a Dock is installed, by this procedure the 'Recycle bin' Docklet won't be anyhow affected as by some other Tweaks.

To restore the desktop icon again, just 'Modify' the same DWORD-Value to "0"

Auto Hide/Show System Tray Contents

Have you ever wanted to just get rid of a system tray item, but not wanting to completely get rid of it? Or have you ever wanted to always see a certin icon in the System Tray? Well Its simple, and dosnt require any major editing on your part, and its completely safe. Just Do the Following:

1. Right Click on start, and select 'Properties'

2. Once in Properties, Select 'Taskbar'

3. Find the 'Customize...' Button, and press it.

4. Once the next screen comes up, find the icons you want/dont want. Click them, and click the drop down box. Here, you have two Options, Always Hide ( Hides It from the moment you start up, the the moment you shut down ) and Always Show ( Shows it even when it is inactive, will never "disapear" behind the arrow ). Select the option you want, and click ok. Do this to as many as you want.

Adjust various visual effects

Windows makes it possible for you to tweak your visual experience by turning on and off various visual effects.

- Open up the control panel.
- Go under system and click on the advanced tab.
- Click settings under Performance options.

You can now change various graphical effects (mainly animations and shadows) by checking/unchecking the individual boxes.

Add your own user account pictures

If you don't like the user account pictures that come with XP you can add your own.

1. First make sure the pic you choose is fairly square, that's because you have to resize it to 48 x 48 pixels, so you dont want it to distort too much. It also has to be a bitmap (.bmp extension) for it to work. A good graphic utility should take care of both the resizing and saving it into a bitmap.

2.After you have it ready go to the following folder:

X:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Microsoft\User Account Pictures\Default Pictures (Application Data is a hidden folder)

That's the place where all the little account pixies are located, copy the one (or the ones) you had prepared into that folder.

3. Click the Start Button then click over the account picture and it will take you to a new window that tells you to choose another pic for your account, look for the one you just created select it, and click the "change picture" button and you're all set!.

So now you don't have to put up with the flower or that blue butterfly you just hate :o).

I know it is less fun, but Windows lets you use any picture and will automatically resize it for you. Look for the 'Browse for more pictures' button in Control Panel - User Accounts

Add a shortcut to XP-Style Start Menu

This is how to add a shortcut to the XP Start Menu in addition to the default "Internet Explorer" and "Outlook Express" (when XP Start Menu is in XP Style, not classic).

Right click any application icon in Start Menu, on the desktop or in Explorer and select "Pin to Start Menu".

Alternatively just drag and drop the icon to the Start button.